"Lekplats för reklamare - Playground for ad people" IDG Internetworld

"Lekplats för reklamare - Playground for ad people" IDG Internetworld

Internetworld magazine in Sweden honoured Adland with the site of the month title in their extra-big summer issue 2003, where the top 100 sites were listed.

Internetworld magazine in Sweden honoured Adland with the site of the month title in their extra-big summer issue 2003, where the top 100 sites were listed.

The article reads:

Playground for advertising people
At Adland advertising people from all over the world meet
Over 10000 commercials crowd the site Adland, which is both an archive and a community for advertising people and people interested in ads. The commercials are submitted by the visitors. The founder of the site is Åsk Wäppling who works as a freelance Art Director.

  • "There were no fun advertising sites when I started in 1996. I begun by putting up campaigns that were "separated at birth" and supply excerpts from advertising books that I thought were good. Many started to send in tips about their own badlander ads and soon it was time to build something bigger."
    How many members do you have today?
  • "Right now it's 14558. I will celebrate with a little bubbly when we pass 15000, it's gonna be a little virtual party here that day.
    Åsk thinks that the best thing about Adland is that he met and spoke to so many interesting advertising people from around the world. - "But if you ask any member I'm sure they'll say that the archive is the best part. We have loads of fun films, 10169 right this minute. It's a great way to waste time and if the boss catches you, you can always call it "research"."
    To become a member is free, but to be able to view the films requires a small donation.

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