Marketingmag Canada / adland

Marketingmag Canada / adland

Adland created by "Ask" an advertising Art Director in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, contains all manner of e-mail threads and rants about the world of advertising. It's best known section, called Badland

Mark Etting, Marketingmag Canada , October 2000

Adland created by "Ask" an advertising Art Director in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, contains all manner of e-mail threads and rants about the world of advertising. It's best known section, called Badland, contains similar ads shown side by side that were either ripped off, or are mere coincidences. One such example on the site is the Foster's take on Molson Canadian's "The Rant". And if you've got a rant of your own you might want to check this site out... changing the names to protect the innocent, of course.

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